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Penguin English Library North And South - Elizabeth Gaskell - 9780141198927

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TítuloPenguin English Library North And South
AutorElizabeth Gaskell
EditoraPenguin Classic

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536 avaliações

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One of my favorites


Excellent story, wonderful characters.


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pride and prejudice in Industrial times


I love this book. Margaret becomes aware of the poverty and suffering of the local mill workers and develops a passionate sense of social justice. This is intensified by her tempestuous relationship with the mill-owner and self-made man, John Thornton, as their fierce opposition over his treatment of his employees masks a deeper attraction. For me John Thornton is very underated. He loses nothing for Mr. Darcy. Margareth drives me crazy sometimes, she is very frustrating because she doenst know much about life outside her buble and her actions contradict her feelings because she doenst know herself very well and is very naive at the begginning. John and Margaret are two of the most original characters of Victorian literature. I also love Higgins and his friendship with John.


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