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The Tower of Swallows - Andrzej Sapkowski - 9780316273718

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TítuloThe Tower of Swallows
AutorAndrzej Sapkowski


O menor preço encontrado no Brasil para The Tower of Swallows - Andrzej Sapkowski - 9780316273718 atualmente é R$ 158,80.

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16581 avaliações

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Really Good


Many things must come together neatly in order to make a book memorable, and this is the perfect example of when a puzzle is completed brilliantly.


• Via Amazon

Excellent book


Let's start saying that I played all the Witcher Games, Witcher 1 to 3, in PC and PS4. The WT3 about 6 times to be more precise. Then I wanted to read all the books, they are seven, and I did it. What you need to know? Well, first of all, they are great, You must read them. Second, the Lore in the books happend before the games but they are referenced all over the games. Third, the books get better and better from the first to the last one. The best is the last one for sure, but all of them are great books. This books are a must read!


• Via Amazon

Excelente saga


Chegou antes do prazo, agora só começar minha leitura! Excelente saga,esse mundo do witcher é imenso e o jeito que a narrativasl acontece me prende muito


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