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Informações Básicas

TítuloUnravel Me
AutorCapa Comum
EditoraHarperCollins Publishers


O menor preço encontrado no Brasil para Unravel Me - Capa Comum - 9780062085542 atualmente é R$ 194,22.

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O livro é bom mas a qualidade não muito. (Good book but the quality not so much)


Os livros são bons, então em termos de conteúdo não há o que reclamar, mas a qualidade da edição deixa muito a desejar, especialmente as bordas das páginas que tem seus cortes completamente desiguais e com uma impressão de que estão rasgados. The books are great, so in terms of content I have no complaints, but the quality of this edition is very low, especially the borders of the pages that have been terribly cut and seem like they were ripped off.


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Better than the first one , Warner and Juliette connection is incredible, can’t wait to read ignite me. Love it


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My second favorite book from this series.


Eu tenho um amor muito grande por essa serie. E agora eu tenho todos os livros em inglês! Definitely recommend.


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loved loved


I'm speechless. (Not really but I'm having a moment while cooling down my feelings) It's been four years since I read for the first time this book and it always get to my emotions. I cried and laughed. I sold my soul to Warner and adored Kenji's personality. The pacing was addicting as always and EVERY CHAPTER GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK. Intense as hell and omg I forgot how much this book is perfect.


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