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The Witch Doesn't Burn In This One - Lovelace, Amanda - 9781449489427

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TítuloThe Witch Doesn't Burn In This One
AutorLovelace, Amanda
EditoraAndrews Mcmeel


O menor preço encontrado no Brasil para The Witch Doesn't Burn In This One - Lovelace, Amanda - 9781449489427 atualmente é R$ 51,50.

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If I loved this less I could talk about it more


I wished I liked this book less because that would mean I didn’t relate to this content as deeply as I do. Women are indeed some kind of magic.


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THE WITCH DOESN’T BURN IN THIS ONE • • • ⭐️5,0/5 • • 💬: That was something truly beautiful. And heartbreaking. I cried my eyes out during the first two parts of the book (the trial and the burning) making me read things that were hidden inside of me and somethings that were just harsh truths that you need to see that you’re not alone feeling that way. Overall I think this collection of emotions hit closer to my heart so maybe that’s why I’ve found this more exciting (and painful) to read. I loved these raw thoughts that came into my mind and how much struggle I can see us women endure. There are poems that seems to be yelling at you while reading, as if you can see the person and how she feels while yelling at your face. There are others that open wounds and put salt on it...and there are others that make you believe that you can do it, you can survive.


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Livro super bem escrito, incrível. A autora transparece através da sua escrita muitos sentimentos e ideias. Recomendo para todos, vale muito a leitura.


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