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The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution - Richard Dawkins - 9780552775243

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Informações Básicas

TítuloThe Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution
AutorRichard Dawkins
EditoraBlack Swan

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Beautiful e excelente content about evolution.


The book is extremely rich, in what the evidence of evolution, comes as a tangent and therefore explain several other subjects related to biology.In addition, it has surprisingly beautiful graphics, infographics and images. Under this bias, Richard Dawkins presents a very scientific writing, however at the same time filled with a simplicity that makes it possible for anyone to understand the origins and development of life in the whole planet.


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Produto Excelente


O livro chegou em curto espaço de tempo e em perfeito estado. O livro possui belas imagens, para minha surpresa. Excelente produto.


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