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TítuloThe Time Machine (Collins Classics)
AutorH. G. Wells
EditoraWilliam Collins


O menor preço encontrado no Brasil para The Time Machine (Collins Classics) - H. G. Wells - 9780008190033 atualmente é R$ 29,20.

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The Capitalist and the Labourier. From the Victorian era to the year 802,701.


A talented writer, a social critique disguised as an ingenious science fiction tale, an easy-to-read narrative for English language learners. In this short story published in 1895, H G Wells exposes his literary genius in building a plot that involves two main characters: a Machine that defies the fourth dimension and its creator, the Time Traveler. The author imagines a futuristic text with profound social content, giving it an original touch that is different from most science fiction stories I have read. With minimal technology or without aerospace bases, the protagonist travels through Time in his contraption to the first future stop, the distant year 802,701 aD. At this time, the descendants of Homo Sapiens share two distinct classes: the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are childlike creatures, vegetarians, who live for love and fun. They evolved from those who got used to comfort and well-being. But not everything is perfect. Originating from the working class, the Molocks live deep beneath the earth. They hunt, care for, and feed on the Eloi. Darwin’s theory about the fittest survival didn’t mean the development of an intellectual civilization. In a further future, humanity returns to the invertebrate stage. Beyond, the sun dies and planet Earth ends. Rich in details, Wells directs the reader's mind towards a gloomy tomorrow.


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A great story for those who like science fiction


I believe this story is immemorial, timeless and philosophical because speaks of problems that hunts us since many centuries. I recommend it


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Clássico de um dos mestres da ficção científica


Adoro essas edições da Collins Classics porque sempre trazem um pouco da história de vida dos autores e como acontecimentos de suas vidas influenciaram as obras.


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Foi um presente para o meu irmão, para ele ter se interessado livro deve ser bom. Chegou rápido, preço acessível.


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