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The Year of Magical Thinking - Joan Didion - 9781400078431

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Com base nos últimos 40 dias, o valor está próximo da média de R$ 89,90

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TítuloThe Year of Magical Thinking
AutorJoan Didion
EditoraVintage Books USA


O menor preço encontrado no Brasil para The Year of Magical Thinking - Joan Didion - 9781400078431 atualmente é R$ 92,90.

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Important and wonderful book


A very well written book that addresses difficult subjects: death, loss, loneliness, aging... but, above all, the meanings of life, those attributed by society, and those we give to it. So I suffered with and learned a lot from Mrs. Didion. I was able to ‘talk to her’ about my own losses and about the meanings I attributed to the ephemerality of life. I recommend reading Norbert Elias (‘Loneliness of the Dying’).


• Via Amazon

brutal and touching.


Didion has an unique style, like she is writing a piece for the newspaper where her feelings are the subject. It is a deep and sad book, as losing a beloved one has to be.


• Via Amazon
